Meylis Matiyev

Software Engineer

Meylis Matiyev

Hello! I am Meylis and currently I am an intern at Cloudera where I am in the Hive runtime team(of CDW) and working on making JSON queries faster. My interests lie within the area of Big Data and databases technologies.

Work Experience

  • Software Engineer Intern

    Sep 2021 - Present


    Part of Hive runtime team and worked on query runtime optimizations with a focus on JSON queries.

  • Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

    Sep 2020 - Jan 2020

    University of Pécs

    Took part in a research project related to Biomedical Engineering. My job included writing software for the project using Python and Qt.

Honors & Awards

  • Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Scholarship

    Sep 2020

    University of Pécs

  • Scholarship for Excellence

    Sep 2019

    University of Pécs

  • Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship

    June 2019

    Tempus Public Foundation

  • Infomatrix Project Competition – Bronze medal

    Apr 2019

    Lumina Educational Institutions Foundation (Bucharest, Romania)

  • Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition – Bronze medal

    Mar 2018

    The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (Hong Kong)

  • Olympiad in Informatics across Ashgabat City – 3rd place

    Jan 2018, Jan 2019

    Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan